Cosmic Recoding® is a holistic energy medicine which can be applied in all areas of everyday-life. It works very fast and sustainable because everything – the cells of our bodies as well as everything that surrounds us and the whole cosmos – is information. And this information is encoded e.g. in our energy body, our physical body, our DNA. We can change these codes in 3 simple but very effective steps, with the power of our soul consciousness. The steps are: 1. Delete, 2. Reset and 3. Download of cosmic codes. This has an effect on our oscillation frequency, with the raise of frequency the patterns of the cells change, resulting in the transformation e.g. from illness into good health.

There is a lot of negative information stored in our cells which triggers stress, mental blockages, and physical diseases. With practising Cosmic Recoding, it is possible to restore the cells with cosmic energies and new information. Thousands of people manifested miraculous results and healings. Hidden sources of self-healing powers and manifestation powers are activated and smooth the way for a life full of good health, a lovely relationship and fulfilled dearest wishes.

If we perceive ourselves in oneness with our souls we will regain what belongs to us: energy, strength, peace, love, happiness, harmony, health, abundance, true freedom etc. We find answers to all our questions. Would you like this?

Eva-Maria Mora

„Cosmic Recoding offers the opportunity to create miracles and to transform your life on earth into a paradise without limitations.“ Eva-Maria Mora


Eva-Maria Mora is a medical intuitive with an MBA, who has left the corporate world in Europe to fulfill her life´s mission. She is a Personal Coach and founder of an International training academy for energy medicine. She holds a degree in Psychotherapy and is a State Certified Healing Practitioner. Her mission includes to support self empowerment for women, children and minorities.

Eva-Maria Mora is a bestselling author with Random House Europe and founder of “Cosmic Recoding” and “Quantum-Angel-Healing”. Together with her husband Michael, she has written the book “Quantum Angel Love”, a new approach to relationships, including the application of the Law of Attraction for personal and business relationships. Her book “Quantum Angel Children” is a supportive and educational tool for parents, teachers and educators to help children labeled with ADHD and autism. It is a helpful guide for parents and teachers, on how to understand, raise and educate the new generation of gifted children.
Her book “Activating your Divine Power” is a guide in awareness training and becoming a conscious creator of your own world.
The newest book “Cosmic Recoding” offers a fast and powerful way to resolve universal success and health issues. Through Recoding of stored information on a cellular level, fundamental change and transformation is possible in a fast and effective way. This translates to personal success as well to success for organizations and businesses.

“Cosmic Recoding” – the book

Cosmic Recoding – the new energy medicine: lightful cosmic codes for healing, love and true freedom (available in German and Spanish language).

This book contains 10 special exercises to raise your consciousness to a higher vibration frequency, the cutting edge knowledge of energy medicine – the science of miracles -, exiting testimonies from users, inspiring stories and many exercises including the 7-days-CRC-programm for learning and applying Cosmic Recoding.

“Recodificación Cósmica” – El libro

Recodificación Cósmica (RCC) – la nueva medicina energética: códigos cósmicos luminosos para la curación, el amor y la auténtica libertad (disponible en alemán y en español).


En este libro encontrará todo lo que usted necesita para aprender la RCC y poder aplicarla con éxito: los últimos avances de la medicina energética, interesantes y amenos informes basados en casos reales, así como una extensa parte práctica con sencillas indicaciones paso a paso, diez viajes de exploración especiales y el programa de 7 días de la RCC.

“Cosmic Recoding” – the CD

The application programm (CD): Receiving lightful cosmic codes: experiencing new energy, power and health (available in German language).

This CD is an application programm for your energetic support and for the use of Cosmic Recoding in your everyday-life. It includes 3 meditative exercises which are not available in the book.

  1. Erfahre unendliche Liebe – Trete in Kontakt mit deiner Seele und dem Kosmos
  2. Beginne den Tag mit lichtvollen Codes
    Cosmic Recoding – Der bewusste Prozess der eigenen Schöpfung
  3. Schlafe gut von Stress befreit
    Entgiften und befreien von niedrigen Schwingungen und möglichem Stress